Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Bull Moose at The Wort Hotel
Jackson Hole, Wyoming

When I returned from a meeting this afternoon, Chuck informed me that I had missed an animal siting. He said that he looked out our front window and saw two cow moose meandering from our yard to our neighbors. He said they were huge. They stopped periodically, ate a little grass and then moved on into the brush.

We have only seen a cow moose on our property once before and never a bull. It was just beyond the swing set and was nibbling on vegetation in the outback. We watched it for a while from the front of the garage. It saw us, but paid us no mind. These animals are even less skittish than an elk. They are tall powerful
animals...much taller than you would think...with long thin legs. They can be aggressive...especially if a cow is accompanied by her calf. Don't respect their space and they will charge you. I saw a TV clip of a moose in a parking lot in Alaska charging a customer as she approached her car with groceries. These two were merely taking a walk in the park.

We enjoy seeing unusual animal sitings. This morning I spotted a HUGE white and brown rabbit. It was nibbling grass on the side of the driveway and appeared not to have a care. These rabbits are elusive and are seldom seen. They are brown in the summer and white in the winter. This one was obviously in the process of changing colors. They are so large and furry that they look like domestic rabbits. Just one more of the joys of living so close to nature.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the huge rabbit is a sign that spring is around the corner.
