Thursday, February 17, 2011


Looks are Deceiving

The Power of Mother Nature

The Missing Chair

Mary and I had lunch and saw The King's Speech (Highly Recommend) yesterday. By three o'clock the sky toward Heber was black and manacing, so I high tailed it for home. By the time I got to the Sundance turn-off, the wind was howling and light snow was whipping the car. The weather continued to worsen and by six thirty we were involved in a full scale snow storm. When I left for a meeting, I told Chuck to stay out of the living room for fear the beams would come crashing down. The weatherman was saying the winds were 85-90 mph. The singles were ripping and screaming off the roof where I was meeting and snow was slamming all the windows. However, the other women there showed little concern. When I left for home at 8:30m, the fog joined the snow and wind and I was unable to find our road until I was right on it. There appeared to be no other cars on the road that I could see and I could see no lights on the house until I was halfway up our driveway. Crazy!!! As you can tell in the picture one of the outdoor chairs slid or was thrown to the opposite end of the deck. Other than that we had no damage and today the sun is shining. So.....we are heading to Costco and on to lunch.


  1. Wow! What an evening you had. We had a bit of a blow, not too much. It started snowing around 8:30. I have these wonderful new windows. I heard nothing. I had no idea of any of it until this morning. Deep snow everywhere. Beautiful sunshine, blue skies, cumulo-nimbus clouds, warm, and wonderful. Next storm scheduled for evening. Who cares!

    I love your pictures.

  2. That is a pretty frightening adventure. I am surprised that you ventured out again. Do you keep blankets, food, etc. in your car in case of emergencies?

  3. We're happy to hear that you made it home safely. Even with all the experiences in snowstorms, we still hate driving in them.
    E.M. Henderson, NV
