Sunday, February 6, 2011


Don Barnes

Don turned 70 years old on February 4, 2011. He is one of Chuck's oldest friends having known each other since they went to elementary school together in LaCanada, California. Don was a professor of Special Education at SUU, BYU Hawaii, and the U of Hawaii before retiring several years ago. He is a distinguished husband, father, and grandfather. We call him a valued friend.


Dr. Don and Dr. Margaret Barnes

Don and Margaret will celebrate 50 years of marriage in the next several years and are the parents of five sons and one daughter plus a gaggle of grandchildren. Theirs is a loving supportive marriage which is an example to all who know them.

Last fall Margaret started the ball rolling to surprise Don on his birthday. Formal invitations were sent out and reservations were made at the Grand Hotel in Salt Lake City. Last night we joined 32 others to celebrate together. The people, the food, the flowers, the gift bags and the hotel were beautiful. A Grand time was had by all. Thank you Margaret for your personal and kind words to each and all who were in attendance. You pulled it off! However, I never doubted that you would. After all, you are a TEACHER.

Margie and Chris came in on Wednesday for the party, so we have played for five days. Old Friends are Golden


  1. Wow, Margaret Ann and Margie in the same week. I'm sure you were in heaven. Terrific pictures as usual. I'm glad you added this picture of Chris. I didn't recognize him in the snow shoeing picture. The eyebrows saved it. M

  2. Wow Rebecca, how glamorous are you!? I see it must be in the genes because I can imagine that same outfit on Big Momma!
