Thursday, February 10, 2011


This is the end of the Line
Second Bloom

First Bloom

After the first bloom was cut back, two new buds appeared and one bloomed 50% of the first bloom. Okay, but nothing special. Each time when I watered, I smelled an unpleasant odor from the rocks in the bowl. Several times I washed the rocks and refreshed all of the water, to no avail. The stink persisted. Today I took the bowl apart and discovered that the bulbs had no roots and that the bottom of the bulb was completely rotted away. I threw two bulbs away, washed the rocks, and put the one remaining bud into another container. In the future, I believe that I will throw the spent bulbs into the thrash. The second bloom has not been worth the effort.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love amaryllis! There is something about a large beautiful bloom perched upon a tall stem.
