Monday, May 9, 2011


"I used to visit and revisit (my garden) a dozen times a day, and stand in deep contemplation over my vegetable progeny with a love that nobody could share or conceive of who had never taken part in the process of creation. It was one of the most bewitching sights in the world to observe a hill of beans thrusting aside the soil or a rose (row) of early peas just peeping forth sufficiently to trace a line of delicate green." Nathaniel Hawthorne

The first thing I do each morning, after feeding the dogs, is walk to the top of our hill and check my garden. Have the deer eaten anything...has anything frozen....are there any new leaves appearing on the roses or other perennials? I have much in common with Mr. Hawthorne and so do many of you.

Basil, peppers (yellow, orange and red), tomatoes, and Cucumbers

Because of our short growing season and my impatience, I buy many of my vegetables, herbs and melons as small plants.

Cherry tomatoes, cucumber, squash (crookneck), Heirloom Tomatoes

All of these plants were purchased at the Red Butte Gardens annual plant sale in SLC on Saturday. They will be repotted, and left in the greenhouse until warmer weather.

Day lilies in the background. I purchased those at Costco on Friday and cut the tops back. I will take them from the pot, separate them into five or six small new plants and plant them in one of my flower beds. An inexpensive way to acquire new plants.

Verbena and two species of Violets

When I was a little girl, I waited and watched for the first violets of spring. They were to be found on the property of our neighbors, the Maxwells, and in a small stand of yupon trees at the end of Timberline, a street near my home. These violets returned each spring without fail. Orange day lilies also returned yearly to the Timberline location. What a thrill to see these first blooms!

More violets and Geraniums

I also bought sugar baby watermelon plants, and Cantaloupe

Copied from the front cover of the "edible Wasatch" Magazine
Local food is growing. Dig In!

1 comment:

  1. It's funny the things we attach ourselves to when we were young. I remember those beautiful flower beds at the Maxwell's but I never loved them like you did, and then there were the butterflies. These are beautiful pictures but the memories really touch my heart. Very sweet.
