Friday, May 20, 2011


Ewes looking at Me

Each spring, around the first part of May, several semi tractor trailers pull up just east of our property and off load hundreds of ewes who are at the point of giving birth. Over the next several weeks they have their lambs and roam all over our property and that of our neighbors. They are protected and herded by two huge, white shaggy Great Pyrenean sheep dogs. Herders, on horseback with rifles slung over his backs, cross our property several times a day to keep an eye on things. They have a sheep trailer parked over several ridges and live very much as they have for hundreds of years. They do not speak English, but communicate well with their friendly smiles.

Generally, we would be incensed and annoyed at the arrogance of complete strangers turning their sheep onto our land, but it is so interesting to watch the show, that we turn a blind eye.

1 comment:

  1. Things are never dull in Heber. I think the arrival of the sheep are like a trip back in time. Obviously there must be some kind of history associated with this ritual. No fences are kind of liberating.......
