Sunday, May 15, 2011


Saturday morning at exactly 9:45
Chuck and I drove to a parking lot near the airport and picked up two baskets of Food
50% vegetable and 50% fruit
The cost was $15

3 mangoes, 4 ears of corn, 1 cantaloupe, 8 apples, 6 onions, 8 tomatoes, 2 bell peppers, 3 artichokes, 1 pineapple, 1 romaine lettuce, l box of blackberries
Everything is fresh and Delicious

Alisa has been participating in this program for over a year. She has always been excited to learn what was in the basket each Saturday. They all love the fruits and vegetables and the children have learned to eat things they had not experienced before. In Boise there are only 100 baskets available each week. The sign-up online opens at 12:00 each Monday morning. Alisa is teaching at this time so Jennifer orders for her. Sooo, last week, I asked Jennifer to sign up for me in Heber and wonder of wonders I was one of the first 100. Turns out, we know the man who does the Heber baskets. He is a metal designer and fabricator and actually designed and made the beautiful gate on Cody and Annie's kennel. He told us that the first location in Heber sold out in the first 8 minutes it was online. There are now three locations in Heber. He said that a semi pulls into his parking lot at 9:00 each Saturday morning, and off-loads boxes of fruits and vegetable ( don't know from where....California, Arizona....certainly aren't any pineapples in Utah) . Volunteers are there to divide up the bounty and customers are there to pick up at 9:45. Jennifer told me that you have 20 minutes to pickup your basket. After that point, all baskets are given to the fire department. All was very efficient. I presented my online confirmation, emptied the produce from baskets #32 into my basket and we were off.


  1. Love the pics of your basket. Are you enjoying all of it? Mine is making me a bit stressed to make sure I get my moneys worth and eat it all before it goes bad. So....I gave away all the tomatoes, mangoes, and 1 pepper. I think we can handle the rest. Love you.

  2. This is such a great idea. I wonder if they have this in Houston. Maybe this summer I can check it out.
