Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Provo Tabernacle
Built by the Mormon Church and used for worship, concerts, and public Forums
Constructed in the late 1800s

Destroyed by fire in December of 2010

Crews have stabilized the structure and are working to determine the cause of the Fire

Citizens of Utah hope that the building will be Rebuilt

The front door to my dormatory as an 18 yr old Freshman
This building is no longer used as a Dorm

The oak door above was the main entrance in 1961. It was during this time that I was introduced to Charles A. Ellis II

Old Brigham Young Academy
Presently, part of the Provo City Library System
Statue of Brigham Young

Old BYU Women's GYM built in 1912
I never darkened this door when I was at BYU
I took tennis, canoeing, and ???
No gym Classes
What an insult to now be used as a clothing Store

Yesterday, Mary and I took a spin around local Provo haunts. She has a new Canon Camera and I am encouraging her to join the blogging world. She is a crackerjack photographer and I know we could learn much from her photos. She took a series of shots out by Utah Lake, so we'll hope that they show up on her blog, soon. I was driving, so Mary hoped out of the car and took shots of the Tabernacle and BYU High for me. Everyone in this part of Utah is devastated by the destruction of the Tabernacle.


  1. Love the buildings---what is the name of Mary's blog?

  2. The old Brigham Young Academy, or Brigham Young High School Building, is not used for BYU classes, but is the flagship of the Provo City Library at Academy Square.
