Monday, January 3, 2011


January 2, 2011
Mt. Timpanogos
8:30 AM
Taken from our Great Room Window through the Glass

Calendar for 2011

Created by Alisa
Assures that every grandchild receives a B-day gift on Time
Thanks, Alisa

No Grandchildren B-Days in September
Hence our Three Daughters

Ditto for December
Our two Sons

The mule deer has dug a deep hole with his hooves to eat the grass below.
This is less than 20 feet from our front door.

A mule deer Buck
Notice his Antlers

This herd of 50+ elk appeared on our western hillside two days ago. They stayed all morning and left around noon, meandering over the top of the hill.

The herd appeared again yesterday and spent the morning eating and dozing.

This bull elk rested and watched all morning. The cow elk on the right, sat in this position for hours, watching. She never lowered her head or ate. There is always at least one sentry to send the warning should danger or "dogs" appear. We keep our dogs penned up until the herd leaves the area.

This cleaner from Costco is great for your camera lens, TV screen, cell phone, iphone, etc.

This is the little jewel I promised you yesterday. It is so comfortable around your neck....soft and padded. Thanks, Alisa


  1. Wow, great pictures, mom! Love the one of the bull elk. Amazing! Miss you. Come visit soon.

  2. Im loving all the posts. Once I dig myself out of all this laundry, I need to post about my amazing trip. I love all your pictures and need to get that cleaner. Thanks for sharing the pics of the calendar. I wish I had looked at it before I left. Miss you and can't wait for your next visit. Hopefully I will have a finished bedroom to share. Love you.

  3. Oh my! The pictures are fabulous! They look like something out of National Geographic. I also love the camera straps. Is there a pattern for them or does Alyssa just make it up?
