Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Will We Ever Learn the Value of Restraint?

Yesterday was a slow day.....for Chuck. I delivered equiptment for our Relief Society Kick-off party, picked up a kareoke machine for the skit, had my roots colored, and headed home. I was ready to kick back and relax, but Chuck, the action man, wanted to take the dogs for a run behind the 4 wheeler, and not just around the neighborhood. There is a great off-road trail about a mile up the main road, so I agreed to transport the dogs in the back of the truck and Chuck would follow after we were out of sight. Travelling at about 20-25 mph I slowly made my way to the turnoff, constantly watching the rearview mirror to keep an eye on the dogs. I don't know what happened next.....did I hear a thud?.....did I hear a bark? I don't know, but I knew something had happened.

I looked in the mirror and saw only one head, Annie's. I pulled to side of the road and jumped out of the truck in time to see Cody jumping up from the middle of the road. He was limping and looking for cover. Several cars were now stopped and were waiting to see the direction he would run. I called to him and he immediately ran toward me and jumped into the backseat.
He had blood dripping from several places on his head and one leg, but no other visible injuries.

Chuck, by now, was coming around the bend in the road and pulled up behind the truck. We determined that it was not necessary to take Cody to the vet, but returned home to tend his wounds. We washed them carefully and applied Neosporin. He had also scrapped much of the skin from the bottom of his muzzle. Amazingly enough, there was no whinning or crying...no pulling away. We believe that he probably heard the sound of Chuck's 4 wheeler and leaped to join him. He runs behind Chuck's 4 wheeler each evening, playing retriever games, and receiving lots of attention from his master.

We see dogs in the back of trucks every day in this valley. Some of them even lying on flat bed trucks, some on tall piles of building materials. Our landscaper brought his dog to work each day transported on the flat bed of his truck. That dog layed around quietly all day while his master worked. But.....we have also read that dogs should be restrained, even when travelling inside the truck. Cody is only 16 months old, eventhough he looks full grown, so he hasn't learned to sit quietly while travelling. Have we learned our lesson? I hope so.

Sorry, Cody!

We'll try to become more responsible pet Owners.


  1. Poor Cody. First he runs in front of a moving 4 wheeler and gets run over. And now he jumps out of the back of a moving truck. I think he's the one who needs to learn restraint..not you! Reminds me of when Cooper jumped out of the back of Roy's truck and Roy didn't even notice he was gone until he got home!! Crazy dogs!

  2. Ouch! I know it hurt your heart. Charlie once jumped out of my bicycle basket and I ran over him. Fortunately it did not hurt him.
