Friday, August 13, 2010

Purple and Pink in the Garden

Iceberg Roses

These are in two pots by my front door. They remind me of California

Russian Sage

These do not photograph well. They are just too light and airy. However, they are magnificant. I have six hugh ones at the entrance to the property and an entire bed of them at the corner of the house.

French Lavender

This is my Favorite flower on the property. They require nothing.........
...and I adore the scent. They line the stone steps up to the pergola and are in all the beds encircling the yard.

Verbena bonariensis

I found these plants at a plant sale at the Red Butte Botanical Gardens in Salt Lake. I had certainly heard of verbenas, but the ones I knew did not look like these tall lanky plants. Now that I am cultivating them, I see them everywhere in my gardening magazines.
They are easy to grow and spread rapidly.


Planted in June and they are still hanging on. This photo actually looks better than they do.

Sweet Peas

I know, they need better support. Next year... They are my favorite annual flower.


Sharon introduced me to this flower. We purchased them at the LA Market and used them as filler flowers in arrangements. They are easy to grow and are great filler flowers in mixed beds.

Cat Mint

This plant has a more impressive name, but I could not find it in my Sunset Western Garden Book. This photo does not do this plant justice because it is at the end of its bloom. It has been blooming since the first of July. They are planted every 4 to 5 feet in the bed that encircles our back yard. The bumble bees love it and so do it. I wonder if cats are attracted to them?


I don't know the common name for this flower. It is a repeat bloomer and pops up in beds at the road, up the walkway and around the garden. It was planted by the landscaper four years ago and has made itself right at home.


I know, I said we hated this weed, but it does have a beautiful flower. This one is just opening. We'll kill it just before it goes to seed.

All of the above plants are completely deer proof in my garden. The dogs may have something to do with it!

1 comment:

  1. Are are becoming quite the expert with your camera.
