Wednesday, August 11, 2010


The School Girl and the Professor

Many years ago in a land of beautiful landscapes, there was a young woman who lived by the sea. During the day, she often stared out over the water to the distant horizon and dreamed of her future. At night she was rocked to sleep by the sound of a distant foghorn warning sailors of danger. As all young girls do, she dreamed of meeting a handsome man and having a home filled with children.
One day sitting in her philosophy class and staring dreamily at her handsome professor, she realized that there was much about philosophy that she did not understand. After class she approached her instructor and asked for help to better understand the teachings of Plato and the theories of Socrates. She was confused by Socrates' theories on intelligence and how his theories were relevant to modern society. The professor was impressed that this beautiful young woman was interested in many of the same questions that he had pondered so many times in his studies. He invited her to come to his office on the morrow at three, so that they might ponder these mysteries together.

Now most young girls who are interested in the opposite sex might flutter their eyelashes, or lower their eyes when in conversation with a person of interest. The more brazen might lift the hem of their skirt to entice with a lovely ankle. But, not our sweet young miss. She knew that the way to this man's heart would be through, not only her beauty, but her intellect. Hence, the ruse for with her studies.

As the hour approached, Miss Davidson stood outside the professor's office and gently tapped on the door. No answer....she knocked again, this time with more purpose, but still there was no response from within. At fifteen minutes after the hour, she turned on her heel and walked rapidly down the hallway toward the outside terrace where she knew her friend Jewel would be waiting. Jewel was her best friend and would be anxious to hear how the tutorial session had gone.

Just as she placed her hand on the doorknob, she heard footsteps approaching quickly from behind her. She whirled around and from the end of the hallway she saw a figure running toward her and calling her name.
"Miss Davidson.......Miss Davidson, I am sorry that I am late. "

Miss Davidson walked slowly toward the professor and with a brilliant smile on her face assured him that he was not too late.

Corinne Davidson and Charles Arthur (Art) Ellis were married on
April 22, 1939
Art turned 38 years old on the same date
Corinne was 23 years old
Was it an Academic scandal? We'll never know and I am sure that Miss Davidson is too proper to tell.

The Handsome Professor
Art died in 1977 the same year Karen was born.
He was 76 years old.
Corinne and Art were married for 38 years.

No woman can resist a man who wears boots and carries a gun.

...or one who goes off into the wilderness and brings back a wild boar on his back.

The professor "worshipped" the beautiful Corinne all the days of his life.

Corinne "worshipped " the professor all the days of his life.
Art and Corinne travelled across the country on their honeymoon to meet his family. This look of love was the Genesis of a family dynasty. They had four boys. Charles Arthur II- 5 children and 16 grandchildren. David Ronald- 2 children and 6 grandchildren- David died in 2009 of colon cancer. Bruce Gordan-5 children and 10 grandchildren, Wayne Roger- 5 children and 2 grandchildren with one on the way.

We are all thankful for the lives of these two people whose idea of family, moral values, and respect for others has already influenced two generations.

We love you Corinne and wish you a Happy 94th Birthday..... Charles (Chuck) and Rebecca


  1. Great post, mom! Loved looking at all of those old pictures of Art and Corinne. I am very impressed at your scanning skills. Who knew? I loved reading all about how they met. Very interesting. I don't think I have ever heard it told that way. Happy Birthday to Corinne.

  2. Oops. I was still signed in under you.

  3. Wow, you need to write a novel. Does Corinne read your blog? Beautiful tribute to true love.

  4. Great post, Mom! You've always had a way with words and have always been intrigued by a good love story. I most definitely inherited that from you! You look fabulous in that picture with Corinne! Love you and can't wait to see you next week.

  5. I love, love, love this post. I can't wait to hear more like it! What other love stories do you have to share?
