Thursday, August 26, 2010


Summer and her family have been vacationing in Deer Valley this week and so have spent part of the last two days with us. Summer is Karen's childhood friend, but we also love her and enjoy our time with her and her family.

Tom and Summer were high school friends. They now have two children and live in California. Their home is a hop, skip and a jump from the beach. Lucky them!! Riley and Braden both enjoyed riding the electric cars.

Tom is a fine fisherman and as a result, nine fish were caught by him and his friend Kevin. Four of them weighed almost 2 lbs. each.

Fortunately, Riley was along for the day and was able to relieve Chuck of driving duties while he was orchestrating the fishing. She was a real trooper on the boat and kept me entertained with songs and the cute antics of a four year old.

These beauties are rainbow and cutthroat trout. They are delicious panfried with cornmeal and olive oil or sauted in butter and garlic. I understand that Summer was planning to make fish tacos tonight. I wonder how they turned out. Summer.....send me a comment. Hope the rest of your vacation is fun and relaxing. We love you....Chuck and Rebecca


  1. Thank you SO much for your amazing hospitality!! It was so great to see you and your amazing home. Riley and Braden did not want to leave at all! We did make fish tacos last night and the fish was fantastic!! Thanks again and lots of love to you both! Xo

  2. And please excuse my shirtless child :) Product of a 21 month old trying to eat a popsicle...most of which ended up on his shirt!

  3. I love the Sheets family too! Thanks for hosting them! I just wish I could have been there too!
