Saturday, January 21, 2012


Snowed for about four hours today covering everything with wet slushy snow. The temperature today is a warm 32 degrees. When it stopped, Chuck and I worked for two hours ploughing and shoveling....too wet for the snow blower. The dogs raced and chased each other and we enjoyed being out and doing something physical and productive. It is beautiful, but not as magical as it was the first couple of years we were here.
Saw a lone bald eagle wheeling above the hills west of our property today. It is obviously back searching out a safe place to lay eggs and raise young eaglets in the spring. Don't know if they return to the same nest and just repair it or if they build a new one. In the next weeks we will see five to seven adult eagles flying all at once near our home. Fascinating Creatures!


  1. Love the snow. Makes everything look so clean. It looks awfully cold though. Glad we were able to enjoy Utah, minus the slushy snowy mess.

  2. The snow is still beautiful from a Texan's perspective. Great photographs!
