Tuesday, September 28, 2010



New Cap Rack

New Furniture Arrangement

Fall always brings out the nesting instinct in me. We're preparing our dog run for the winter wind and snow, all the perennials are being cut back and the flower beds are being raked of debris. I like to look around and see what I can do differently to change up the look of my home at little or no expense. Recently I received the above adorable gardening tool rack from a couple of admirers and have been considering a number of ways to give it a useful and prominent place in my home decor. The mud room had become stuffed with numerous pairs of shoes, enough jackets to cloth a family of seven, scarves, gloves, and hats and caps galore. So, I emptied all the "stuff" onto a table in the garage and started from scratch. This is the way they do a makeover on HGTV and I found it to be faster and more efficient than dealing with one item at a time.

The rack now holds all of our caps. Chuck wears one everyday and I wear one anytime I'm having a bad hair day. I moved the drop leaf table to the little hallway outside my bedroom and created a display that looks attractive, but will probably serve no purpose other than to gather dusk. But......I think it makes this area look warm and cozy.


  1. Love the hat rack. Do you not catch our thigh on the corner of that table as you're walking to your bedroom? I guess that would only happen if you were chasing a 2 year old. I completely understand the need to nest. I can't seem to stop with the "projects" around here. I could really use a bigger budget though. :)

  2. Yes, I love to rearrange furniture. It gives me a new perspective on life.
