Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kris, Welcome to Utah

Loved her apartment!

Corinne joined the party for lunch at Sundance. We were hoping for a glimpse of Robert...Redford that is.

Corinne and Kris wait in the Lobby while I obtain security to unlock my car which has the motor running and is parked at the front steps. Why? How? No one knows! It is a mystery. Best guess is that in all the confusion of transporting Corinne from the car to the walker that the lock was inadvertently clicked. Security at Sundance was amazing. They had the door open in no time.

Ladies who Lunch!
Lunch was two hours long with delicious food and lots of yakity, yak!
Kris flew off into the wild 5:00
Oh! These Jet Setters!


  1. Are we still on for breakfast Saturday morning?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Robert Redford missed a golden opportunity - lunch with the Golden Girls(at least one of us dressed in gold). Nice touch with the locked car. Perfect story line for a sitcom. Thank you so much for the ride, the delicious lunch, the wonderful conversation, but most of all, . . . thanks for the memory.
