Saturday, May 28, 2011


Clogs with the Idaho Rhythm Dance Company
Spring Performance
Nampa, Idaho

Chuck and Nicole
We were excited to watch her Perform

So were her Parents

Nicole's dance Group
They performed at two different Times

Off to school in the Truck
He usually walks to school with Nicole

Plays on a Little League Team
A very fast Runner

Steps on home plate to Score


A happy little Boy
At three years old, all he can do is hang out at other's Games
But.....his day will Come
Does this sound familiar to any of you last Children?


Plays Little League Baseball
Shortstop and Pitches

Has all the Moves

Takes a Swing

Pep talk from the Coaches
Brendon between 1 and 7

Chuck and I traveled to Boise last Wednesday to watch Brendon and Hayden play baseball. Both games were at 6:00 which is a challenge for parents. Alisa and I watched Hayden's game and Joey and Chuck watched the first several innings of Hayden's game and then moved on to Brendon's. Alisa and I stayed until they called Hayden's game for gale force winds and flying sand. At one point Hayden's hat sailed off into the outfield. It started to pour rain just as we all reached the car. We drove to Brendon's game in time to pick up Chuck who was soaked to the skin. Brendon's game was cancelled as well. But, not before we were able to enjoy his enthusiasm for the sport. Chuck says that Brendon is an excellent player and I can attest to Hayden's skill and love of the game.

The next night we attended Nicole's Clogging recital. It was amazing. She was adorable and had all of the moves and steps down pat. Clogging is a cross between tap and a country stomp...very fast and exciting. The older dancers were something to see. If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend that you see a clogging performance.

It is always fun to visit with Alisa and her family. She and Joey have their hands full with all the activities and responsibilies of raising their family. Alisa is teaching part time at Brendon's school. Nicole and Hayden go to a school around the corner from their home and Blake attends preschool two days a week.

Thanks for the invite!


  1. The Tuellers are certainly a beautiful and talented family. I know you are so proud of your Alisa!

  2. We had a great time! Can't wait for your next visit. Thanks for coming! Love ya!
