Saturday, February 5, 2011


These snowshoes are lightweight, easy to apply, and comfortable to walk In

The poles help you feel balanced. I didn't fall all day, even though my foot often went down below the snow Line

Margie and Chris, dear friends from California

When your knees make skiing treacherous, this is a good alternative. You can be out in the great outdoors with little risk of Injury

Good Friends! Fun Times!

Margie has still got IT! Notice the little "kick back"

We took a shortcut to the trail below, not knowing that we were in a Reclamation Area

Chris clowns for the camera. There are spikes on the bottom of the Snowshoes.

Chuck makes sure we all have a Good Time

Best Friends Forever!


  1. It is great to be able to put names and pictures together. Looks like fun...

  2. That Margie, still gorgeous after all these years. Seeing you and Margie in the snow reminds me of all those years at Brian Head. Still great buddies after all these years. I love it.
