Tuesday, November 9, 2010


You might think that this is Dog Heaven and it is in the summer.

The little house has six inch thick insulated walls and flooring and a side entry so that the wind does not blow into the house.

But, when the wind starts to howl and the snow comes from three sides, it is not Pleasant
For Me.....
I don't know about them.
Last night we returned from Costco after dark. It was pitch black behind the house and rain, sleet, snow and wind were all mixed up. While Chuck emptied the truck, I prepared the dog food dishes. Cody and Annie were running all around us and then they were gone, out into the night, with the coyotes, and cougars. One and a half hours later, they showed up none the worse for wear. So, maybe they don't need an enclosed kennel. But, I do.

We have completely enclosed the back and northern side with plywood and have added two windows that open on hinges. We are off within the hour to purchase wood to enclose the front gate.....and then I will be at peace knowing that they are dry, warm, and out of the wind, rain and snow.
I know.....I need help.


  1. I don't blame you. One needs peace of mind when the snow is deep and the wind is howling. Maybe you need a barn with central heat to complete this picture.

  2. You and Judy are both right about your own peace of mind. I'm sure the dogs are fine. Besides having the protection of the insulated dog house, they have each other to snuggle up with, so they are warm. But if you worry, then pour on the central heat. The other day Oprah was talking about comfort. She said something like if you want comfort, come back as one of her dogs. Maybe that applies to you too, come back as one of Rebecca's dogs.
