Logan Craig
Happy Birthday Logan
Thursday, November 20, 2014
5 Years Old
Logan is up and about and all Around He enjoys Workmen of all Kinds
Firetrucks, Tractors, Garbage Trucks, and Cranes fascinate Him
He is friendly and helpful to his Neighbors
On garbage days, he returns his neighbors barrels to their Driveways
Logan loves his Family
When his Dad mows the lawn and works in the yard, he is his biggest Helper He is interested and supportive of his Sisters He likes to help his Mom in the kitchen and when she cleans the House He makes his bed each morning and empties every trash can in the house without being Asked |
It is not always easy to have just Sisters |
......so he is very happy to have a baby Brother Andrew |
Logan enjoys swimming and has been swimming since he was three years Old He enjoys riding his bicycle all around the neighborhood and to the Park
He enjoys gardening and planting radishes in his Garden |
Logan is Curious He wants to know WHAT YOU ARE DOING and WHY???? He follows workmen around the house peppering them with Questions?????
Logan attends pre-School three days a Week
He enjoys learning new things and playing with new Friends |
Logan, Poppy and I Love You and wish you a
Logan, Poppy and I are bringing you a Birthday Gift
when we come to visit you for Thanksgiving . Can you guess what it is?
I am sending you a poem to learn. It is one of my favorite poems, so I hope that you will like it too. I hope your mother will read it to you, tell you about it and help you memorize it. I will help you when I come.
The Crocodile
Lewis Carroll
How doth the little crocodile
improve his shining tail,
And pour the water of the Nile
on every shining scale?
How cheerfully he seems to grin,
How neatly spreads his claws,
And welcomes little fishes in,
With gently smiling jaws!